Post #2 of 2 – May 19th, 2021 (Roster, Weigh-In Info & Details)
Rockwell Barbell sent this out yesterday. Please read through it in detail. Check the roster, make sure you have the COVID form filled out, your USPA Membership taken care of, and all singlet & meet day equipment with you during weigh-ins on Friday. Read through and give me a shout if you have any questions. I can’t wait to lift with all of you on Saturday!
Coach David ([email protected])
PS – Make sure all opening numbers are given in kilos 😉
Post #1 of 2 – May 3rd, 2021 (more info to come, start with this)
First off, good luck to all the lifters on the 22nd. I have said this again and again, and I will stand by this statement forever, getting uncomfortable is absolutely necessary for growth. It does not matter if it’s a Deadlift Meet, proposing a new project to your company, or taking a chance on a business venture; pushing the edges of comfort is how great shit happens. And to those that are stepping onto the platform in a few weeks, I can’t wait to see you shine!
On to the meet. Here are a handful of considerations that you should be aware of. I will bullet point most of these to keep them digestible. More to come, but this will get you started this week.
- Meet Day & Weigh-In Information. The comp is on Saturday, May 22nd @ Rockwell Barbell (2861 N Clybourn Ave. Chicago, IL 60618). Mandatory Weigh-In times are on Friday the 21st from 9a to 12p & 5p to 7p. I highly suggest anyone that is cutting weight to be at the 9a time slot. Speaking of, if you are cutting weight, please talk to me ASAP. There are good ways and bad ways to go about this. And there are times to cut weight and times where it is fully unnecessary. Unless you are going for a lifting record, this meet would NOT be a time to cut more than 2 – 4lbs.
- Rules Meeting. The rules meeting is at 8a the day of the meet. Even if you have completed, I still suggest you attend. Most of us have competed in the USAPL and the AAPF federations, the USPA runs a bit differently in terms of rules. For example, they are a little more strict on singlet requirements. Part 3 on Page 15 has all the details. For example, there is the no zipper rule on all singlets. My singlet has a zipper in the back, fancy I know, which is allowed in every federation, except this one. Please also refer to sections 3.5 & 3.6 for details on the t-shirt and undies that are allowed under your singlet.
- USPA Membership. You need to have a USPA membership, you can check your status or get a membership here. Please make sure to do this a few days prior to the meet.
- COVID Waiter. If you have not, please make sure to sign USPA + Rockwell Barbell COVID waiver here.
- Opening Weight Selection. A very very common question right now. During the meet, you will have 3 lifts on the competition platform under the watch of 3 judges. When you weigh-in you will also be asked, in Kilos, what your opening Deadlift will be. Please make sure to get this correct. Every meet I have even been to, at least one lifter will select their weights and fail to convert the numbers. Meaning, they will say 315 to the judge, and all of a sudden, you have 694lbs on your bar. All meets are done in Kilos. Please make sure to select your weights as such.
- What is an Opening Weight? This is the key to your success. Go too heavy and you risk setting yourself up for a really difficult 2nd and 3rd attempt. Go too light and you have a lot of distance to cover to get to your goal weight. The sweet spot for your opening weight is right around 94 – 96% of your current one rep max. The lower-end percentages work great for those that have some really established DLs and have some big ass numbers. The higher percentages work great for newer athletes that can still hit new DL personal records every 2 – 3 months. At the end of the day, your opener is there to serve three main goals.
- Shakes out the nerves & gets a score on the board.
- Builds an insane amount of confidence.
- Sets you up to get to your goal weight for the day.
- Recruit Your Hype Squad. This is an incredible achievement for all of you. Putting yourself out there in front of your fellow gym-mates & a bunch of strangers is not easy. To say that I am proud is an understatement. Some of you are going to be addicted to this sport for years to come, others are going to walk away with a serious appreciation for how tough the sport is and will chalk this up as an amazing experience. Everyone is going to walk away with a new level of strength & respect for themselves that will carry over into everything in life.
Give me a shout with all questions team. By no means did I cover everything, but this is a really good start for right now.