Defined is a small business with a big heart. And we know we have our community to thank when it comes to our continued growth, authentic approach, and of course, our ability to navigate a global pandemic. The truth is, March 2020 delt us into uncharted territory with outcomes unknown. But we survived because you subscribed

When you Lift Local, it means you support people who care about the future of your health and wellness. It means you trust that your coaches work hard every day to give you the kind, honest feedback you deserve. When you Lift Local, you’re supporting teachers, creatives, researchers, athletes, and artists. And that you stand by us when we say we’re stronger together and more than a gym. 

Ten years ago, Defined was built to welcome all and to appreciate the strength of those who walked through our doors. In choosing to Lift Local, you’ve made a conscious decision to keep them wide open.

Team Defined.