A. Take 20 minutes-
1 Hang Power Snatch + 3 OHS
-Take this time to work on your technique with both these challenging movements or if you have been with us a while, go for your heavy 1+3.

15 Minute Amrap-
*Perform 1 full Squat Snatch every minute on the minute 135/95lbs
Spend the rest of each round completing as many reps as possible using the rep scheme below.
KB Swings 55/35lbs
Box Jumps 24/20″

-Your score is either the time it takes you to complete the 50-40-30-20-10 rep scheme or how many reps you completed in the 15 – 1 minute rounds.

C. Bonus: Pre-hab Station #3
Theraband wall reaches: 2 Rounds: 40 reaches each side.

Rope Climbs are for girls!