Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community! 
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]

Next Foundation Start dates –
April 11th & 25th!
(9 spots in each)

Coach David

Russian KB Swing volume training
(week 2)
Choose a weight you can swing for 50 reps unbroken! 
*Record weight and time completed.
– If week 1 felt good, try the next weight up!

Bench Press

– Take 15 minutes
– Build to 8 rep max for the day
– Goal is to add 10lbs to week 1 load!
* Perform drop sets 10% lighter x 8 reps with time remaining!

Metcon Sprint Amrap: 2 minutes on/ 1 minute off X 5 Rounds;

Single Arm Snatch X 12 reps, alternating
Single Arm Thruster X 12 reps
– Optimize up to HSPUS X 8 reps
*Fill rest of each round with max reps: Hang power cleans

* Barbell weight should feel light, using no more than 40% of 1RM C&J