Fast Twitch Speed Squats-
Take 5 minutes warming up to the weight that will be used for the Backsquats!
30 seconds ON/ 30 seconds OFF: 6 Rounds
L1. BW x .6
L2. BW x .5
L3. BW x .4
-Working explosive power, fast from the bottom position to the top. Pick a weight that is challenging but allows you to move fast and powerfully. Think speed used in tabata air squats.
*Recording total number of back squats and level chosen
B. Hero WOD-
5 Rounds:
7 Muscle Ups (option to sub 3 pullups for every 1 M/U)
21 Sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65lbs
*25 minute time cap!
**Compare results to 2.5.13