“Lift Local” Pre-order:
Ends Tuesday, Dec. 8th at 5pm! Get em’ while you can!
Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community!
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]
Next Foundations, Starts Dec. 6th.
Front Squat
– Build to heavy set of 10 for the day
– Take 12 minutes, 8 sets, every 90 seconds
– Utilize the Frankenstein squat technique till failure, continue with front squats thereafter!
6 Rounds: 90 seconds on/ 90 seconds off
Front Rack Lunge X 8+ Reps
Wallballs X 8+ Reps
Bike/Row for calories X Max Reps
*Every round increase your lunges and wallballs by 1 rep!
*Using a lighter weight for the lunges, something you can go unbroken with every round!