A. Conventional Deadlift- 8 Sets
85%x max reps
85%x 2 sets at half the reps of your max set

B. Team WOD: Teams of 2
15 minute Amrap
Complete 1200 meter row as a team. Alternating every 100 meters.
Fill the remaining time with
As many cycles of “The Bear” as possible: 115/75lbs
1 Cycle equals:
1 Hang Power Clean +
1 Front Squat +
1 Shoulder to Overhead +
1 Back Squat +
1 Shoulder to Overhead
*Every time the barbell touches the ground, partners must stop what they are doing and perform 3 burpees each.
**Teams choose how many cycles each partner will complete before handing the barbell over to their team mate.

***Score is total number of Cycle completed of “The Bear”!

Brett and Noal working out together just like old times.

Brett and Noal working out together just like old times.