8 Minute Amrap for Quality

Turkish Getup Complex
– 1 X Turkish getup to 5 X 1/2 Kneeling Press to 3X Split Jerk
– Perform on each side with a light Db or Kb.
*Follow with Single Arm Plank X 20 sec. on each side!
– Perform from hands or elbow!

Standing Strict Press

– Build to heavy 5 for the day!
– No rack, clean it to front rack before pressing
– 12 Minutes, 8 rounds, every 90 seconds.

21-15-9-9-15-21 reps of;
(12 minute cap)
Row X Calories
– For women, choose this rep scheme for the row only: (18-12-6-6-12-18) Burpee Over Rower
*Once completed, perform max reps Single Arm Clusters with time remaining!

*Your score is time it takes you to finish workout and total number of Clusters. 2 numbers!