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CrossFit Regionals Team Workouts Released! Check out the WODS that the CFD team will be performing at Navy Pier next weekend!

May 17th starting at 11am.
Location-Crossfit Illumine in Niles, IL
Teams of 4-2 guys, 2 girls
Registration Open!
Email [email protected] for more information or with any questions.

A. Clean Pull + Power Clean: (3+1)
Beg: (3+1) Work on technique, positioning and timing
Int: 60-75% X 8 sets
Adv: 8 Sets
65% X 2 sets
75% X 1 set
80% X 5 sets

B. For time:
Bear Complex Cycle 135/95lbs
Toes to bar
Bar over burpees
* 16 minute time cap

Working OUT!

Working OUT!