Weekend Schedule Changes: This weekend, CFD Lakeview will be closed for a slight remodel! Please note the schedule changes below. If you are free on Sunday and want to help out; please email [email protected] for more details.
Friday: 7pm Cancelled!
Saturday and Sunday: Closed!
Monday: Back to normal schedule.
Lincoln Square: In addition to the current schedule at Lincoln Square, the following classes will be added to accommodate our Lakeview athletes that would like to train! All classes are open to all CFD members!
Saturday: 8am Powerlifting, 9am Team WOD, 10am Team WOD, 12p Olympic Lifting.
Sunday: 9am KB Class, 10am KB Class, 11am Yoga.
A. E.O.M.O.T.M (every other minute on the minute) 16 Minutes: 8 Rounds at each station.
Odd minutes- Power Cleans 135/95lbs or 50-60% of your 1RM 30 on/30 off
Even minutes- Strict Chin-ups 30 on/30 off
Volume work (V): On all odd rounds perform max reps Power Cleans at weight chosen for 30 seconds. On even rounds perform max reps strict chin-ups. Alternate between the two stations for 16 minutes or 8 rounds each.
B. 2013 CrossFit Games Open Workout 13.2
10 minute Amrap:
Shoulder to Overhead 115/75lbs – 5 reps
Deadlift 115/75lbs – 10 reps
Box Jumps 24/20″ – 15 reps
*Recording total amount of rounds and reps as possible
C. Tabata 6 minute Abs
6 Rounds
Plank Saw with Medball 14/10lbs
*Hold plank during rest
6 Rounds
Flutter Kicks
*Hollowbody hold during rest