1) New Incentive give away for Fight 2 Give. – Everyone who raises $60 this week through Saturday for the Fight 2 Give fundraiser will get a free Duke Cannon bar of soap.  Guaranteed to make you a better smelling person.

Raise $100 or more and you will be entered in a drawing to win 1 of 3 items:  A military grade authentic ammo case full of Duke Cannon Soap,  a $100 gift card to Barn & Co. and/or  a $100 gift card to Hubbard Inn. Donate HERE.

2) Register for your Nov. 2nd Fight 2 Give Heat HERE. LAST DAY TO REGISTER! The Fight Give fundraiser leads up to the Fight 2 Give workout on Nov 2nd which is capped off by a holiday party later that night at Barn & Co.

3) Nov 2nd Holiday Party Evite link and details for the holiday party.  Please RSVP IF YOU ARE COMING!

A. Take 20 minutes-
Front Squat: Find your heavy 3

B. Take 10 minutes-
Romanian Deadlift: 85%, 5 Sets of 6
-Based on 1RM BackSquat

C. For time:
KB Snatches 55/35lbs, alternating arms each rep
Burpees to a 45lb plate
*8 minute cap

Superman showed up for Open gym!

Superman showed up for Open gym!