Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community! 
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]

Next Foundations, Starts Oct. 18th

Nutrition Workshop & Challenge (This Sat., Oct. 17th)

45 seconds on/15 seconds off X 3 Rounds;

Goblet Wide Stance Good Mornings
Single Arm Renegade Row

Sumo Deadlift

Building in sets of 10
– Slow down, fast up with each rep
– 5 building sets
– 3 working sets
– Perform a set every 2 minutes, rest remaining

5 Rounds: 90 sec on. 30 sec. off

Flexed Arm Hang X 20/15 sec.
– Scale to 15/10 sec. if needed!
Walking Plate Pushups X 10 reps
– Using a 45lb plate
Single Arm Snatch X Max reps, alternating arms with each rep!
– Snatch from the 45lb plate