Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community!
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]
Next Foundations, Starts Sept. 20th
Community Concert in the Park with Coach Sarah & The Seldoms!
Join us on Sunday, Sept. 13th from 5-6pm.
(Event has been moved from Sat. to Sun due to weather)
Sidewalk Dances presented by The Seldoms. A community concert event featuring dance performance, live music, and friends in the park. Donations accepted. Bring a blanket, some snakes and enjoy!
Click here for more details and to RSVP!
2 Rounds; 1 minute on/ 15 sec. off: (8 minutes)
Min 1: Single Arm Bent Over Row
– Pause at the top of each rep
– Spend 30 seconds each side
Min 2: Single Leg Hip Thrust
– Spend 30 seconds each side
– Hug opposite knee of driving leg to chest
Min 3: Side Plank or Starfish Side Plank
– Spend 30 seconds each side
– Choose a variation you can hold for quality for the full 30 seconds.
Conventional Deadlift
– Build to heavy 5 for the day!
– Apply a 3 sec. negative to each rep
– Take 15 minutes building
– If you find your heavy with time left on the clock, drop weight down by 20% and perform drop sets of 5 at that weight!
10 Minute Amrap
Single Arm Deadlift X 9 reps
Single Arm Hang Power Clean X 6 reps
Single Arm Shoulder to Overhead X 3 reps
*Perform on each side*
Max Unbroken Pushups from Toes or Knees
– If you have to rest more than 2 seconds between reps, your set is over!
Toes to Bar or Vups X 18 reps