A.  Cycle 3/3- Take 15 minutes
Wendler Week 2 Shoulder Press
Warmup Sets: 5×40%, 5×50%, 5×60%
Work Sets: 3×70%, 3×80%, 3+x90% (plus set)
*Keep in mind all sets are in preparation for your max effort “plus set”


You have 2 options for today.  If you are new to “The Bear” choose option 1 and work on developing your heavy set and focus on technique and endurance with the bar complex.  Also know that we program it for the first Monday of every month.  If you have been with us a while and have a heavy “Bear” established, give the WOD below another go.  Last time we performed it was 12.28.12.  Compare your times to the last!

B1. “The Bear”
5 Rounds: 7 Cycles of the following

  • Power Clean
  • Front Squat
  • Jerk, any style
  • Back Squat
  • Jerk, any style

-Cannot drop bar until 7 cycles are completed
-Must add weight each round
-Rest as needed between sets

B2. For time:
“Bear Down”
1000 meter row
Complete 4 Rounds of the following:
5 Cycles of “The Bear” 135/95lbs
10 Bar facing Burpees
-1 Cycle of “The Bear” consists of 5 movements in this order: 1 power clean, 1 front squat, 1 jerk, 1 back Squat, and 1 jerk.
*20 minute time cap

C. Bonus Round- Prehab
Functional Reaches with red theraband
2 Rounds: 4 points each hand, 10 reps each point.

Dana and Brook rocking the CFD digs in Manhattan!

Dana and Brook rocking the CFD digs in Manhattan!