A. Take 15 minutes-
Thruster: Find your heavy 3
*Compare max loads to scores from 10.8.12
B. 18 Minutes: EOMOTM- (every other minute on the minute)
Even rounds: 80% of 1RM Front Squat, x3 reps
Odd rounds: Toes to bar, 10 reps
(option to sub V-ups if needed)
Volume work (V): On all even rounds perform 3 Front Squats. The first round you fail to perform 3 reps unbroken, you must decrease weight by 10% for the remaining rounds. On odd rounds perform 10 toes to bar. The first round you fail to complete all 10 reps, whatever number you were able to perform unbroken you keep for all rounds following. Alternate between the two stations for 18 minutes or 9 rounds each.
For time:
50 Burpees
50 KB swings 70/55lbs
*8 minute cap.
*Compare scores to 4.26.13