Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community!
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]
Next Foundations, Starts August 23rd & Sept. 13th!
Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunge
– Build to a heavy set of 5 per leg
– Depending on mobility of the front hip, use between a 2-4″ height to reverse lunge from.
– Apply a 2 sec. negative tempo on all reps to show control!
– Building x 10 minutes
– This is week 3/4 on this progression!
Every 2.5 minutes X 3 Working Sets;
FFE Reverse Lunge X 5 each leg
– Using working weight from Part A
– Apply tempo to all reps
*Follow with Tall Kneeling Dual KB/DB Pushpress X 10-12 reps
– Can also be performed with a single arm.
5 Minute Amrap
100 X Double Unders
50 X Russian Swings
*Fill rest of time with max reps X Goblet squats!
2 Minute Rest
5 Minute Amrap
100 X Double Unders
50 X Goblet Squats
*Fill rest of time with max reps X Russian Swings!
*Choose KB weight that allows you to finish the 50 swings in 2-3 sets.