Pushup Challenge Week 3
4 Days On/3 Days Off
Monday: 4 Sets, 3 minute rests
Tuesday: 3 Sets, 3 minute rests
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 4 Sets,3 minute rests
Saturday: 3 Sets, 3 minute rests
Sunday: Rest
As the volume increases in our Pushup challenge we need to be even more on top of our recovery and soft tissue maintenance. Daily stretching, foam rolling and Lacrosse ball work is a must if your in it for the long run!
Spend 5-10 minutes on a foam roller and/or lax ball rolling out your chest, fronts of shoulders and upper back. Stretch out your triceps, work on anything that feels sore or tight. Increase blood flow, break up adhesions, and overall restore soft tissue to working order again! Give your body the Gift of Suppleness for the Holidays!
Holiday Schedule:
Tuesday 12/24: Closed
Wednesday 12/25: Closed
Thursday: 12/26: 10 and 11am Team Holiday WOD
A. E.O.M.O.T.M.- 16 Rounds
8 Rounds at each station, alternating: 30 on/30 off
Odd minutes: Pushpress 155/110lbs, max effort
Even Minutes: Ring/Bar Muscle ups, or Pullups, max effort
Volume work (V): On all odd rounds perform max reps push press at weight chosen for 30 seconds. On even rounds perform max effort Ring/Bar Muscle ups or Pullups focusing on form and quality movement. Alternate between the two stations for 16 minutes or 8 rounds at each station.
B. 15 Minute Amrap
Front Rack Barbell Lunges 115/75lbs x 10 reps
Abmats x 20 reps
Double Unders x 30 reps