Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community!
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]
Next Foundations, Starts Jan. 3rd!
Thursday 12/31 // 6:45am // 8am // 10:45am // Noon (ONLY)
Friday 1/1 // CLOSED
Saturday 1/2 // 9:10AM / 10:20AM / 11:30AM (ONLY)
Sunday Normal Schedule
Back Squat or Overhead Squat: Athlete’s Choice;
– Build in sets of 3s
– Apply a 1 sec. pause in bottom of each rep
– Build for 12 minute to working weight
Working Sets X 3: Perform every 2.5 minutes;
BS or OHS X 3 reps with pause
– use working weight from Part A
*Follow with: Max effort set of Chinups
– Optimize down with jumping negatives, banded, etc.
– Optimize up with weighted
– Goal is to achieve at least 6 reps each round
Rest remaining!
4 Rounds: 2 minutes on/ 1 minute off;
At the top of each round perform the following;
Row/Bike X 18/12 calories
– Adjust row or bike calories to finish by the 1 minute mark
*Finish with:
Rounds 1/3: Toes to Bar, max reps
Rounds 2/4: Thrusters, max reps
*Barbell weight should be light, something you can perform in sets of 10s every time you pick it up!