90 Day Pushup Challenge Week 9, New Base Test!
*If you are new to this challenge or are recommitting and starting over; today would be perfect for that. Today’s work will serve as your new Base Test.

What you need to know and what needs to be done!
Step 1: Establish your base, or “working set” by finding your average. Find your Avg. by performing 3 Sets of Max effort unbroken pushups with 5 minute rests between each set.
Step 2: Take the average of those 3 numbers. This number will be your “working set” average for the month!
Step 3: Stay consistent with the work, listen to your body.
Monday: Base Test
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 4 sets, 5 minute rests
Thursday: 3 sets, 5 minute rests
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 3 sets, 5 minute rests
Sunday: Rest

Things to keep in mind for your Day 1 Base Test:
Knees or Plank Pushups are both acceptable,
Keep hips in line with body for all reps.
Try to keep this work to the morning or evening if possible.
Must be Unbroken!
**Compare results to Base Test from Week 1 and/or Week 5.

A. Shoulder Press: % Based on most recent 1RM 
85%x max reps x 1 set,
85%x half max reps set x 2 sets

B. For time:
Thrusters 95/65lbs
*7 minute cap

C. Tabata Mashup:
20 On/10 OFF X 10 Rounds
Hollowbody Holds
Superman Extensions
