A1. Shoulder Press: 5 sets
-Take 5 Sets to buildup to your heaviest 2 for the day.
A2. Shoulder Press: 4 Rounds
-80% X Max reps
-Overhead Band pulls X 20
Rest 1 minute
*Recording weight and total strict reps over 4 rounds
B. E.O.M.O.T.M X 6 Rounds
(every other minute on the minute)
Odd Minutes: 1 Power Clean + 1 PushPress 155/110lbs, 30 ON/30 OFF
Even Minutes: Ring/Box Dips, 30 ON/30 OFF
Volume Work (V): On all odd minutes perform the following complex, 1 power clean + 1 pushpress, for 30 seconds, resting 30 seconds. On all even minutes perform max reps ring/box dips for 30 seconds, resting 30 seconds. Continue alternating between stations for 12 minutes or 6 rounds at each.