Week’s Preview: Week 3/4
Tuesday: Wendler Bench (week 3)
Wednesday: Clean + FS + Jerk
Friday: Wendler Front Squat (week 3)
Romanian Deadlift: Sets of 3s
– Building to heavy working weight at 80% of C&J
– Add 5 to 10lbs to last week’s working weight
– Tempo: 3 seconds down, 1 second pause in bottom
– Take 6 sets, every 90 seconds, building
Working Sets X 4 Rounds: (12 minutes)
Min 1: RDL with tempo @ working weight X 5 reps
Min 2: 3-Point Bent Over DB Row X 10 reps per side
– Optimize up to Single Arm DB Plank Row
Min 3: Strict Toes to Bar practice X 30 seconds
For time: (12 minute cap)
3 Rounds:
Deadlift X 18 reps
Burpee over Barbell X 9 reps
Rest 2 minutes
3 Rounds:
Single Arm Front Rack Reverse Lunge X 18 reps
Chest to Bar Pullups X 9 reps
*Barbell weight should feel light, no more than 40% of C&J or 30% of Deadlift.
- Next Foundations Session: Starting Sunday, March 8th! Email [email protected] to register! (late registration still open)
- Book a “No Sweat” Intro session Here to set up an in person meeting with one of our coaches and tour of the gym!
- Macro Workshop: Lead by Dietitian Kristen D. and Precision Nutrition Coach Cara S., Saturday, March 14th Registration & Details Here!