Holiday Schedule:
Wed: No 7:30pm class
Thurs: Closed, Happy Thanksgiving
Fri: Modified- 6:45am, 8am, 10:45am, Noon, 4pm & 5:10pm ONLY
Sat & Sun: No changes!
Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community!
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]
Next Foundations, Starts Dec. 6th.
Front Squat
– Build to heavy 6
– Take 12 minutes, 8 sets, every 90 seconds
6 Rounds: 90 seconds on/ 90 seconds off; (18 minutes)
(1:1 work/rest)
15/10 Cal X Bike/Rower
– Dont spend more than a 30 sec. here, reduce calories if needed to stay under time cap
8 X Wallballs, unbroken
*Fill rest of time with max reps Box Jump overs!
*Recording total box jump overs for each round!