Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community!
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]
Next Foundations, Starts Dec. 6th.
Every 3 Minutes X 3 Rounds; (9 Minutes)
Turkish Getup Complex X 1 each side
– Turkish Getup to 1/2 Kneeling Strict press x 5 reps to Single Arm Split Jerk X 5 reps + Turkish Getdown
– Perform on each side
*Follow with max reps, unbroken Dips: Rings, boxes, dip horns.
– Users choice!
Rest remaining of each round!
Rest/ Clean/ Transition X 2 minutes
Every 3 Minutes X 3 Rounds; (9 Minutes)
Bulgarian Split Squat X 5 each side
– Building in weight each round
Single Leg Hip Thrust X 10 reps each side or Double Leg X 20 reps
Abwheel Rollouts X Max reps
Rest remaining of each round!
For time: (11 Minute cap)
Teams of 2: Partner workout;
2 Rounds;
Partner 1: 40 X Box Jumps (pace car)
Partner 2: Row/Bike for calories
2 Rounds;
Partner 1: 35 X Weighted Stepups (pace car)
– Using a single db or kb
Partner 2: Row/Bike for calories
2 Rounds;
Partner 1: 30 X Abmats (pace car)
Partner 2: Row/Bike for calories
*Spend 2 rounds at each couplet, partners switch stations, each getting a chance on the bike or rower before moving on to the next set of movements.