A. Take 15 minutes-
Push Press:
Beg: Find your heavy 3 for the day
Int: Find your heavy 2 for the day
Adv: Find your heavy 1 for the day

B. Take 15 minutes-
Snatch Grip Push press + Overhead squat:
Beg: 75%X(5+1)X5 Sets
Int: 75%X(5+3)X5 Sets
Adv: 75%X(5+5)X5 Sets
*Rest 2 minutes between sets
**Percentages are based on your heavy number from part A.

C. 10 minute Amrap:
15 Burpees
15 Hang Power Snatches 115/75lbs
*Score is total reps and rounds completed

Congratulations to all of our athletes who competed over the weekend in the Power lifting Event!  A special shoutout to Coach David for setting a new National Deadlift record in his class!  Hoozah!

Congratulations to all of our athletes who competed over the weekend in the Power lifting Event! A special shoutout to Coach David for setting a new National Deadlift record in his class! Hoozah!