Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community! 
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]

Next Foundations, Starts Sept. 20th

Recovery Yoga with Kristen: Starts back up this coming Sunday, Sept. 20th. Taking ONLY 24 spots. Bring your own mat! Sign up through Zen Planner. Free for members, $15 drop in fee for non members. First come, first serve. Please respect your fellow athletes and do not sign up for this class if you are unsure if you can make it.

Strict Press

– Build to 80% of 1rm established on Week 1 on this cycle
– Take 6 minutes, every 90 seconds x 4 sets
– Suggested Rep scheme: 5-5-3-3

Every 3 Minutes X 4 Working Sets; (12 minutes)

Strict Press @ 80%
– Perform max, unbroken reps
– Goal is to be consistent with your number from round to round!
– Apply a 2-3 sec. negative to each rep
*Follow each set with:
Strict Wide Grip Pullups X max unbroken reps
– Minimum goal is 8+ reps
– Scale as needed to achieve this min rep requirement.
– Optimize up to Wide Grip if you can perform at least 15 reps with regular grip.
Rest remaining time of each round

12 Minute Amrap

Russian KB Swings X 10+ reps
Pushups X 10+ reps
Double Unders X 30 reps

*Increase Swings and pushup reps by +2 each round!