Defined Schedule: Live Virtual Classes
Click here to join us for all classes on Zoom!
*Daily Class recordings: Follow along with: Today’s Team WOD here!
- Mon, Tues, Wed & Friday: Noon & 6pm classes.
- Thursday: 5pm Mobility with Coach Cara.
- Saturday: 9am Team WOD.
- Sunday: 11am Recovery Yoga with Kristen.
- Daily At Home Training posted 9pm every night.
- “FLATTEN THE CURVE” At Home Lifestyle Challenge: Day 19
Today’s Daily Challenge: Accumulate 5 Minutes of Mindfulness.
Use your favorite app or timer to get in 3-5 min of breathing, meditation or stillness. Try something new or return to an old practice!
1. Choose a comfortable seat,
2. Hold your attention to your breath,
3. It’s normal for your mind to wander, label your thoughts and count your breaths.
Favorite Meditations for times like these :
Mindfulness 5Min
Kindness Meditation 5min
Defined @ Home Workout –
10 Minute Warmup led by Coach Cara & Kevin on Zoom at 9am!
Team Workout: Teams of 2
Find a virtual teammate, Defined member, roommate, friend or family member. Join us at 9am Virtually on Zoom!
Amrap #1: 8 Minutes;
100 X Jumping Jack Buy in – Video
(both partners working at the same time)
With time remaining; complete an Amrap of the following;
10 X Single Arm Russian Swings X (5 each side) – Video
8 X Goblet Squats – Video
6 X Burpees – Video
*Rotating with your partner every round.
*Non working athlete is holding a Wall-sit. – Video
Rest 2 Minutes
Amrap #2: 8 Minutes;
100 X Mountain Climbers Buy in – Video
(both partners working at the same time)
With time remaining; complete an Amrap of the following;
10 X Single arm Hang Clean and press (5 each side) – Video
8 X Goblet Lunges – Video
6 X Burpees
*Rotating with your partner every round.
*Non working athlete is holding a Wall-sit.
Rest 2 Minutes
Amrap #3: 8 Minutes;
100 X Lateral Hops Buy in – Video
With time remaining; complete an Amrap of the following;
10 X Single Arm Snatches (5 each side) – Video
8 X Plank Up downs – Video
6 X Burpees
*Rotating with your partner every round.
*Non working athlete is holding a Wall-sit.
Coaches’ Notes:
3,2,1 GO. Each athlete performs the 100 movement buy in together. Once complete athlete 1 begins the AMRAP of 10,8,6 while athlete 2 is holding a wall sit. When athlete 1 is complete, teammates switch. Continue in this pattern for the remainder of the 8 Minutes. Score is total rounds competed by both athletes. Rest two minutes.
Non verbal communication is key with virtual teammates. Have teammates be diligent about watching the screens of their partners or have each team come up with their own hand signals to signify its time to switch before starting the workout.
If you are performing this workout by yourself, after you have completed your buy in, perform 1 round of the 10,8,6 rep scheme then hold a wall sit for 45 seconds. Continue in this fashion for each amrap.
Movement Optimization:
*Single Arm Swings/Hang Clean and Press/ Single Arm Snatches: Can be completed single arm (5/side) or double arm (10 total) depending on the equipment available. Use any object in the house that challenges you and mimics the movement pattern.
*Plank Up Downs: This can be performed from toes or knees. To increase the difficulty of this movement your hand placement can be extended out in front of you as far as you can manage without breaking your hips high hollow position.
*Wall-Sit: Hold onto your object to make it more difficult.