Daily Live Zoom Classes
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*Daily Class recordings: Follow along with us here!

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Join us in dark mode by simply turning off your video/audio feed.
  • Mon, Tues, Wed & Friday: Noon & 6pm classes. 
  • Thursday: 5pm, 30 min Mobility with Coach Cara.
  • Saturday: 9am Team WOD. 
  • Sunday: 11am Recovery Yoga with Kristen. 
  • Daily At Home Training posted 9pm every night.

Today’s Daily Challenge: Digital Detox
When you think of mindful moments, you probably don’t recall a time when you were scrolling Netflix. 
From 12 – 8pm eliminate your tv screen. No netflix, hulu, tv, movies. 
Our suggestions: move, stretch, read, clean, paint, write, listen to music, let your dog take you for a walk. 

Defined @ Home Workout – Sunday “SLR + KBs” 

Part A. “KBS”
EMOTM x 10 minutes;
ODD Min:
Perform on each arm in this minute:
1 X Snatch – Video|
2 X Push Press – Video
Turkish Get Down – Video
Turkish Get up 
15 X Toe Tap Crunch – Video
15 X Russian Twist – Video

Part B. “SLR”
20 Minute Amrap:
400m Run
5 X Pushups – Video
10 X Air squats – Video
400m Run
10 X Pushups
15 X Air squats
400m Run
15 X Pushups
20 X Air squats
*Continue to add 5 reps to each movement for every round.
*Accumulate as many rounds/reps as possible in 20 minutes.

Coaches’ Notes:
Part A.

Stay light to medium in weight for the KB/DB complex. Complete the round in 45 seconds or less. Add weight/object in your hands for the toe crunches and Russian twist to increase difficulty.
Part B.
If you can, go outside, get some fresh air, and vitamin D for this workout.

Movement Optimization: 
*KB/DB complex: Can be completed with any object in the household that challenges you and mimics the movement pattern.

*Elevated toe taps & Russian twist Can be completed using just body weight or any object in the household that challenges you and mimics the movement pattern.

*Run: We have a few options for you today. If you are running outside but don’t have a 400 meter mapped out: run 1 minute out + run 1 minute back. If you are running in the hallway of your building, keep it to a total of 2 minutes (think shuttle sprint style). If you are choosing to stay inside: Perform 1 minute of mountain climbers + 1 minute of Wall Sprints. – Video