KBs – 9a, 10a, 11a
Athletes Yoga – 12p
Open Gym – 1p to 3p

Mobility – Coaches Choice – 5 Min

Strength / Skill – Death March then 10 Ring Rows (4 Rounds)
Death March Notes:
** Using a KB in each hand take 24 steps (12 in each direction)
** Focusing on keeping back tight and feeling a great pull in the back of your legs

Ring Row Notes:
** Very controlled in both directions.
** To make this harder elevate your feet on a 12″ or 20″ box to get your body as vertical as you can.

WOD – Chipper + AMRAP (15 Min Cap + 2 Min Double Unders for Max Reps)
1000m Row
50 Tactical Walking Lunges (35/25 – 25 each leg)
40 Alternating KB Swings (70/55 – 20 each arm)
30 Ab Mats w/ Med Ball (14/10)
20 Pull Ups
10 KB Push Presses (55/35 – 10 each arm)
Rest 2 min then. . . .
Max Double Unders for 2 Min

Bonus: 10 Push Ups + 45 Second Plank for 4 Rounds.

Shake a hand, say hello to your training partners.  This is what makes CFD great.

Shake a hand & say hello to your training partners. This is what makes CFD great.