9a, 10a, 11a – Kettle Bell Training

12p – Yoga

1p – 3p Open Gym Time


Strength / Skill (15m skill):
KB Swing to eye level x2 +
KB Snatch x2 +
KB Windmill x2 +
KB Overhead Squat x2

** Go through the complex with the right hand moving through each movement controlled and smooth. Set the KB down for a few seconds and then go through the complex with the left hand. Start out with a light KB and work your way up. Use this time to work your strength and control.  

WOD #1 – 5 Rounds for time (15 min cap)
20 KB Swings to above head (55/35)
10 Box Jumps (24/20)

WOD #2 – 5 Rounds for time (15 min cap)
10 KB Snatches, 5 each side alternating every rep (44/35)
10 Goblet Squats using the same KB
20 Jumping Pull Ups

KB Snatch