Schedule Note:  No yoga today and open gym is from 12p – 2p.

Strength / Skill KB Complex – 3 KB Snatches + 3 KB Windmills
** 6 total reps each side; working to a heavy set.
** Start light; work technique and add weight when needed.
** 15 total min of work

WOD # 1 – 10 Min AMRAP
30 Jumping Pull Ups + 10 1-Handed Russian Swings (eye level)
** 10 right side, 10 left side (use heaviest KB possible, with solid form)

WOD # 2 – 10 Min AMRAP
30 Double Unders (or 90 singles) + 15 KB Burpee Deadlift Jump (55/35)

Ab Finisher – 30 Russian Twists (20/14) + 1 Min Plank for 4 rounds
** 1 Russian Twist = Left + Right Tap
