8a, 10a, 11a – Team WODs
9a – Powerlifting & SWOD
12p – Olympic Lifting, Accessory Lifts & Mobility (90 min class)
Team WOD Details:
Suns out guns out!
** Teams of 2 with one athlete working at a time.
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 squats
100 ab mats
Details: start the WOD and between each movement each team has to row 400m (200m for each athlete). Make sure to start with a 300m then perform all the pull ups and then row 300m. After all of your push ups row another 400m, after your air squats row and continue. Make sure to row after your ab mats as well.
** Also note that a full rep on the ab mat is when you touch the ground in front of your toes.
Two mile run
Lakeview Route: Walk out the front door, take right out the front door to Racine and head south on Racine to Laundromat (if you hit Lincoln, you went too far). Return to Belmont, run back to Laundromat and then return to the box. (Down and back twice)
*** Please be smart. Do not run through the hallway and be courteous and smart when out on the street.
Last partner to finish is the time for the team, so partners should run together to push each other to run faster.
Powerlifting & SWOD
Part I: 6 sets of 10 – close grip bench press
* Working towards a heavy 10 rep.
Part II: 8 Ring or Box Dips + 8 DB Lateral or Front Raises
* Use weight as needed.
* Week 2 of 3 with our upper body / bench focus.
30 KB Swings to eye level (80/55)
10 Pull Ups or Ring Rows
20 Lunge Steps (10 each side)