To go over what happens on Thursday.  There is a coach or two at every class to help offer technique pointers and cues for each athlete.  You can work on a missed workout from Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday or you can work on a skill that you would like to improve.  Either way a coach is there to give you a hand. 

5:30a, 6:30a, 12p, 4p, 5p, 6p – Open Gym w/ the coaches

7p – Rowing Endurance w/ Coach David & The Mark Peterson (no 10K’s)

7p – Olympic Lifting Instruction w/ Coach Noal & Coach Matt

8p – Boxing w/ Coach Ricky **NEW COACH** (will be substituting for Fernando for a few weeks)

8p – Gymnastics w/ Coach Kara

InterWeb Sites of interest:

How to Pick Up a Girl . . . at a CrossFit Box

Fix Your Range of Motion

And for anyone who would like to work on the games WOD 13.5:

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
Thruster (100/65)-  15 reps
Chest to bar Pull-ups – 15 Reps

If 90 reps (3 rounds) are completed in under 4 minutes, time extends to 8 minutes.
If 180 reps (6 rounds) are completed in under 8 minutes, time extends to 12 minutes.
If 270 reps (9 rounds) are completed in under 12 minutes, time extends to 16 minutes.

* For full WOD description: CLICK HERE


Doctor Cara from Accelerated tearing up the bike.

Doctor Cara from Accelerated tearing up the bike.