7PM Mobility Class: Focus will be on maintaining and improving hip position in relation to the Deadlift and Squat. Learn ways to keep your butt ON in movement and to keep lower back pain away.
Lift Big Week 1, Day 2: Monday we had over 80 Shoulder Press PRs, and over 80 Back Squat PRs. Nice job Crew. Keep up this momentum and focus as we address all the major lifts in the coming weeks!
A. Take 20 minutes-
Hang Power Clean: Find your heavy 3
*Compare loads to 3.18.13
B. Take 10 minutes-
Hi-Hang Clean Shrug: 100%x6x5
-Using your 3RM HPC from today
Complete the following for time:
1,000 meter row
Front Squat 135/95lbs – 30 reps
Toes to bar – 50 reps (option to sub v-ups)
*15 minute time cap