Endurance Note: Endurance will meet Tuesday at the Belmont Waterfront location at 7:00 p.m.
It’s supposed to be 80+ degrees. Great weather to get your one mile baseline recorded!
If you are new to CFD Endurance and need directions to the meeting locations, email [email protected], or check out the meeting locations page for more information.
A. Take 20 minutes-
1 Hang Power Clean + 3 Power Jerks: Find your heavy 1+3.
-Stay light and work on technique if either of these movements are new to you.
B. Tabata: 20 ON/ 10 OFF
8 Rounds @ each station
- Row for max distance
- Push Press 115/75lbs
- Mountain Climbers – 2 count (knees to chest)
- V-ups
C. Bonus Round: Optional
3 Rounds:
2 minute Plank
1 minute Med ball twists
Rest as needed