Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community! 
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]

Next Foundation Start dates –
April 11th & 25th!
(9 spots in each)

Hang Power Snatch

– Take 8 minutes, building to 80% of HPS from last week’s 1rm test
– Build in sets of 3s

EMOTM X 6 Rounds: 40 on/ 20 off;

Min 1: Hang High Pull + Hang Power Snatch
– Using approx. 70% of 1rm HPS.
Min 2: Double Unders

* Use the first round to test your work capacity, set a goal for subsequent rounds based on Round 1 numbers.

“Synchro Six Pack”

In teams of 2: For time: (10 minute cap)
36-24-12 reps of:
Hollow Body Rocks
Alternating Single Leg Vups
Superman Rocks

*Both partners are working at the same time, if one rests you both rest!
*Scale movements as needed!