7pm Lakeview Mobility: Focus will be on upper back and shoulders and how proper mobility/stability applies to an efficient wide grip overhead position like the OHS and Snatch.
A. Conventional Deadlift: 8 sets
85%x max reps
75%x max reps
65%x max reps
*Rest 2-3 minutes between max reps sets
B. 3 Rounds: Each for time
“Onramp Day 1 Workout”
Row 250 meters
Air Squats
KB Swings 55/35lbs
10 Burpees
Rest 2 minutes
**20 minute cap
We are recording our best score on this workout. Been out of onramp a week or a year? This wod is personal to you. Everyone at CrossFit Defined has done this workout in their onramp. Compare scores to your first attempt on day 1 and/or your 2nd attempt on graduation day. Dont worry about using the same KB weight, or pushup standards. Pick a weight and standard that suites your abilities today! Have fun team!