7pm Lakeview Mobility:  Focus will be on upper back and shoulders and how proper mobility/stability applies to an efficient wide grip overhead position like the OHS and Snatch.

A. Conventional Deadlift: 8 sets
85%x max reps
75%x max reps
65%x max reps
*Rest 2-3 minutes between max reps sets

B. 3 Rounds: Each for time
“Onramp Day 1 Workout”
Row 250 meters
Air Squats
KB Swings 55/35lbs
10 Burpees
Rest 2 minutes
**20 minute cap

We are recording our best score on this workout.  Been out of onramp a week or a year?  This wod is personal to you.  Everyone at CrossFit Defined has done this workout in their onramp.  Compare scores to your first attempt on day 1 and/or your 2nd attempt on graduation day.  Dont worry about using the same KB weight, or pushup standards.  Pick a weight and standard that suites your abilities today!  Have fun team!

Meet the newest member of our growing community!  Mike and Jessica are proud to introduce Bea, our next year's regional competitor!

Meet the newest member of our growing community! Mike and Jessica are proud to introduce Bea, our next year’s regional competitor!