“Lift Local” Pre-order:
Ends Tuesday, Dec. 8th at 5pm! Get em’ while you can!
Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community!
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]
Next Foundations, Starts Dec. 6th & Jan. 3rd!
Bench Press
– Building in sets of 2s to a heavy for the day
– Take 10 sets, building EMOTM
Break-Switch-Clean X 2 minutes
10 Minute Amrap
Min 1: Supinated Grip Bent Over Row X 10 reps
– building every round, pausing at the top of each rep to show control
Min 2: Kipping Practice X 30 seconds
– Focusing on hitting the superman/hollow positions as seen in video
– Think small manageable sets
L1: Kip Swing
L2: Kipping Pullups
L3: Kipping Chest to Bar
L4: Kipping Bar Muscle Up
3 Rounds: 30 seconds on/ 15 seconds off X 9 minutes
Single arm Snatch X Left side
Alternating Vups
Single arm Snatch X Right side
Superman Rock / Hold
*Completing as many reps as possible for each station in time given.
Score is total reps completed for the snatches and vups, 1 big number for each round! Record on Sugarwod!