7pm Lakeview Mobility Class focus: Mid back, T-Spine, and shoulders.  Learn some great techniques and drills to open up your mid-back/T-Spine;  and how increasing your mobility there will  relate to not only your front rack position but all your squats, overhead positions and Olympic Lifting!

A. Build up to 50%-60% of your 1RM Clean

E.O.M.O.T.M: 12 minutes or 6 rounds at each station, 30 on/30 off
Odd minutes: Hang Power Clean, quality reps
Even minutes: Handstand Pushups

Volume work (V): On all odd rounds perform max reps Hang Power Cleans at weight chosen for 30 seconds. Focus on quality reps and efficiency in movement. On even rounds perform max reps HS pushups for 30 seconds. Alternate between the two stations for 12 minutes or 6 rounds at each station.

B. 4 Rounds for time:
Plank – Accumulate 1 minute
KB Snatch Lunge 55/35lbs – alternating sides every rep X 20
Box jumps 24/20″ X 20
*16 minute time cap

C. Bonus Round: Not for time
5 Minute Amrap
Max reps Box or Ring Dips. Strict!

Practice makes perfect! Get Creative!

Practice makes perfect! Get Creative!