CFD Meat Share this Saturday, March 29th

30 Day Paleo Challenge: Day 23!

7pm Lakeview Mobility Focus: These next 2 weeks we will cover STABILITY & Recovery. This weeks focus is on Shoulder Prehab & Rehab. Getting your muscles to work with you not against you. Accessory lifts and small muscle groups of the upper body.

A. Sumo Deadlift:
5 Sets of 5: (75-85% of 1RM conventional DL)
Chinese Plank x 30 seconds
Ring dips x 30 seconds
Rest 90 seconds

B1. E.M.O.T.M x 5 minutes
10 Pushups with Hand release
*Spend remaining portion of every minute performing max reps Russian KB Swings 70/55lbs

Rest 1 minute

B2. E.M.O.T.M x 5 minutes
5 Strict Pullups
*Spend remaining portion of every minute performing max reps Russian KB Swings 70/55lbs

**Recording max swings performed over all 10 rounds.
