Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community! 
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]

Next Foundations, Starts March 7th & 21st!
(9 spots in each)


Wendler Front Squat (week 4)

When working with a Wendler progression, base your percentages from what is called a “working 1RM”. You can find this number by taking your most current 1RM and multiply it by .9 which will give you 90% of your 1RM which equals your “working 1RM”.
*All percentages below are based on your “working 1RM”

Every 90 seconds; Using Zombie Squat technique for all sets;
Wave 1: 5×40%, 5×50%, 5×60%
Wave 2: 5×40%, 5×50%, 5×60%
Wave 3: 5×40%, 5×50%, 5×60%

Tabata Conditioning;
Spend 8 Rounds at each station before moving on to the next;
1. Double Unders
2. Toes to Bar
3. Double Unders
4. Russian Twists with plate or Med Ball