7pm Mobility with Coach Cara: Focus will be on upper back and shoulders and how proper mobility/stability can not only increase range of motion but injury proof the shoulder girdle.
This week is our 1st week of a 5 week strength cycle. The 5 week cycle will lead up to our next Murph Event on Saturday, June 21st.
The next 5 weeks we will be focused on the following:
- “Murph Prep”: Additional strict pullup work, and increasing volume of pushups in wods
- Developing Pull Power: Power cleans, paced deadlifts and grip strength movements
- Increasing Squat 1rm: Explosive leg exercises and a more focused squat program
- Balancing the Posterior Chain and building a stronger core: Uni-lateral lifts and increasing hamstring development
The wods for the next 5 weeks will primarily be more strength biased and there will be more consistentcy with our week to week development of the squat, deadlift and pulling movements; as well as a increased focus on strict bodyweight movements like the pullup, pushup and Handstand pushup. You will also see Bonus rounds offered Monday-Wednesday focusing on strength accessory work and core development that will accompany that particular day’s work.
A. Bench Press-
Adv: 10 Sets, Find your heavy 1 with 1 sec pause in bottom position.
Rep Scheme: 10-7-5-3-2-2-1-1-1-1… (start incorporating pauses after 5th set)
Int: Find heavy 3 Floor Press.
Beg: Find heavy 3 Floor Press.
*After finding heavy 1/3 for the day, take: 80%x2x3 focusing on speed!
B. 15 minute Amrap
KB thruster Left side 55/35lbs X 5
KB thruster Right side 55/35lbs X 5
Pushups X 7
Box Jumps X 9 24/20″
C. Accessory work: Bonus
4 Rounds:
Ring Dips X 30 seconds
Walking V-ups X 60 seconds
Rest as needed between rounds