“Strength Accelerated”
Sat. Nov. 21st 2-5pm
Strength Accelerated is for athletes new to our community who have limited experience with Back Squats, Deadlifts, and Pressing variations. 
This workshop also benefits anyone wanting to join our Foundations program who has scheduling conflicts with our current program. 
Click here for details!

Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community! 
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]

Next Foundations, Starts November 15th & Dec. 6th.

Benchmark Hero Workout: “Dallas 5” (team style, teams of 2)

Five 5 minute Amraps in 29 minutes: 5 Minutes On/ 1 Minute Off

Amrap 1: 5 Minutes
Burpees for max reps
– Only one person working at a time, between you and your partner complete as many reps as possible in time given!

Rest 1 minute

Amrap 2: 5 Minutes
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls X 7 reps
Box Jumps X 7 reps
– Only one person working at a time, between you and your partner complete as many rounds and reps as possible in time given!
– Barbell weight should feel light and allow for 7 unbroken reps

Rest 1 minute

Amrap 3: 5 Minutes

Turkish Getups
– Only one person working at a time, between you and your partner complete as many reps as possible in time given!

Rest 1 minute

Amrap 4: 5 Minutes

Single Arm Snatch X 7 reps
Pushups X 7 reps
– Only one person working at a time, between you and your partner complete as many rounds and reps as possible in time given!
– Use the same weight that you chose for Turkish Getups for your Single Arm Snatches.

Rest 1 minute

Amrap 5: 5 Minutes

Row for max calories
– Only one person working at a time, between you and your partner complete as many calories as possible in time given!