Weekend Schedule Changes: This weekend, CFD Lakeview will be closed for a slight remodel!  Please note the schedule changes below.
Friday: 7pm Cancelled!
Saturday and Sunday: Closed!
Monday: Back to normal schedule.

Lincoln Square: In addition to the current schedule at Lincoln Square, the following classes will be added to accommodate our Lakeview athletes that would like to train! All Classes are open to all CFD members!
Saturday: 8am Powerlifting, 9am Endurance, 10am Endurance, Noon Olympic Lifting.
Sunday: 9am KB Class, 10am KB Class, 11am Yoga.

**7pm Lakeview Mobility Class: Knee position! What’s pulling on your knees that might be holding you back?

A. Take 25 minutes-
Sumo Deadlift: Heavy 7.
Heavy 7 X 5 Sets
1 minute: Max effort Flexed Arm Hang
1 minute Rest

B. For time:
KB Swings 55/35lbs
Wallballs 20/14lbs
*15 minute cap

Congrats to our Lakeview athletes, Jeremy, Rachel, Alberto and Breanne for grabbing 5th place at the Trodo Games!  Nice job Team!

Congrats to our Lakeview athletes, Jeremy, Rachel, Alberto and Breanne for grabbing 5th place at the Trodo Games! Nice job Team!