Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community! 
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]

Next Foundations, Starts Oct. 18th

DefinedApparel Pre-Order (Closes Oct. 15th)
Nutrition Workshop & Challenge (Sat., Oct. 17th)

2 Rounds; 1 minute on/ 15 sec. off; (5 minutes)

Offset Bulgarian Split Squat
– Spend 30 sec. each side
– Hold KB/DB in front rack or side body
Pallof Press from Squat
– Spend 30 sec. each side

Back Squat: Speed Sets

– Build to approx. 60% of Back squat 1rm
– 5 Sets, building, every 90 sec.
– Perform 4 reps for each warmup set
– Take no more than 2 sec. per squat, 8 seconds total
– Take each rep to parallel if able

Working Sets X 4: Every 2 minutes; (8 minutes)

Back Squat, speed sets X 6 reps
– Using working weight from part B1.
– Partners count for each other.
– Take 12 sec. or less to perform 6 reps, lower weight if you miss the time cutoff for any set.

11 Minute Amrap

800 Meter Run
– Sub 1000/700 meter row if needed
40 X Box Jumps
400 Meter Run
– Sub 500/350 meter row if needed
*Fill remainder of time with max reps: Weighted Stepups

*Your score is total number of weighted stepups!