Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community! 
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]

Next Foundations, Starts Sept. 20th

Community Concert in the Park with Coach Sarah & The Seldoms!
Join us on Saturday, Sept. 12th from 6-7pm.
Sidewalk Dances presented by The Seldoms. A community concert event featuring dance performance, live music, and friends in the park.  Donations accepted. Bring a blanket, some snakes and enjoy!
Click here for more details and to RSVP!

Every 3 Minutes x 3 Rounds; (9 minutes)

Turkish Getup Complex: Perform on each side with KB
– Turkish Getup + Strict Press X 1 + Pushpress X 2 + Push Jerk X 3 reps + Turkish Getdown
*Follow each set with:
Weighted Strict Pullup X 4+ reps
Strict Pullups X 8+ reps
Rest remaining time of each round!

Strict Press

– 1RM Baseline Test
– Take 12 minutes building to heavy single for the day!
– Suggested rep scheme: 5-5-3-3-2-1-1-1

Benchmark WOD: “Annie”

For time: (10 minute cap)
Double Unders
– Single Unders X 2
Abmat Situps

(if you are proficient with your doubles and can go unbroken for most of your sets, try this bulked up version below)

“Big Annie”
For time: (10 minute cap)
Double Unders
Abmat Situps