A. Take 20 minutes-
Power Clean X 3: Find your heaviest Power Clean X 3, touch and go.
-No stopping, pausing or resetting at the bottom.  This is a great time to establish a technical approach to a WOD that has multiple reps involved.

B. Handstand work/strength- Take 10 minutes
Beg: Box assisted handstand holds: 5 Sets X 30-60 second holds, rest as needed
Int: Box assisted handstand pushups: 5 sets X 10, rest as needed
Adv: Wall assisted handstand pushups: 5 sets X 12, rest as needed
-Get in as many sets as possible in time given.
*Consistency is key. This is why we keep repeating this piece. Compare your results and effort from the last time.  Are you getting  stronger in this movement? Do you feel more confident or less challenged by the station you have been choosing? Practice makes perfect!

For time-
5 Rounds:
Shoulder to Overhead 135/95lbs – 5 reps
Hang Power Clean 135/95lbs – 7 reps
Front Squats – 135/95lbs – 9 reps
*12 minute cap!

D. Bonus-
Pre-hab Station #2
4 Rounds:
Side Plank Hip Raises – 15 reps each side
Superman holds – 15 reps with 5 second holds

Mike sporting his Limited Edition Tank in Hawaii! Thanks for the great view..