A. Sumo Deadlift: 10 sets
Find your heavy 10
*Compare loads to 10.8.13

B. Tabata Mashup X 10 Rounds
Hollowbody Hold
Superman Extension

10 minute Amrap
5+ Burpees to a 45lb plate
50 Double Unders
*Compare scores to 9.6.13 and 6.12.13

WOD Explained: Lets challenge your lungs today with this fun 10 minute amrap inspired by Coach Murph. Each round starts with burpees. Complete 5 burpees on the first round with each burpee ending with your hips in full extension while standing on top of a plate. Every round your burpees increase by 5 while the Double unders stay constant. “Turbo”? You’re going to need it!

How far can you go?

D. Bonus Round: Optional
50 Strict Toes to bar not for time

