Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community! 
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]

Next Foundation Start dates –
April 11th & 25th!
(9 spots in each)

Single Leg Bulgarian Deadlift;
Perform 6 reps each leg
– Optimize to B Stance if needed!
Warmup Sets X 6 Minutes;
– Building to working weight load

3 X Working Sets, every 3 minutes;
SLBDL X 6 reps each leg at working weight
– Goal is to move a little bit more weight than last week!
*Follow each working set with: Strict Weighted Chinups X 1 minute
– Optimize to bodyweight, banded, Jumping with negatives, etc.
Rest 1 minute

5 Rounds for time: (15 minute cap)

9 X Conventional Deadlifts
– unbroken and light in weight
12/9 X Pushups
15 X Box Jumps
Rest 1 minute

*Barbell weight should be no more than 40% of Deadlift 1rm