Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community! 
D.M. Coach Cara for details. [email protected]

Next Foundations, Starts Jan. 17th

Back Squat

Building in sets of 5s to something heavier than you will use for your set of 20
– Take 12 minutes building to a heavy 5 for the day
– 8 Sets X 90 seconds

Back Squat X 20 reps

*Record Load!
– Take 3 minutes to complete!  – Why 20 reps? 
– Get heavier than last week!

For time: (15 minute cap)

100-80-60-40-20 reps of: Double Unders
25-20-15-10-5 reps of: Pushpress
50-40-30-20-10 reps of: Abmats

*Barbell weight should be light, something you can perform in sets of 10s