A. Take 20 minutes- OLY Tech work.
3 Position Snatch: Snatch from ground (takeoff/1st pull), from above knee (2nd pull), and high-hang (pockets).
Beginners and or any athlete with mobility limitations in the bottom position, catch into a power position.
Advanced athletes that have experience with this movement and are comfortable with the bottom position of a Snatch, please take each pull to a full squat.

B. Handstand work/strength- Take 10 minutes
Beg: Box assisted handstand holds: 5 Sets X 30-60 second holds, rest as needed
Int: Box assisted handstand pushups: 5 sets X 10, rest as needed
Adv: Wall assisted handstand pushups: 5 sets X 12, rest as needed
-Get in as many sets as possible in time given.
*Consistency is key. This is why we keep repeating this piece. Compare your results and effort from the last time. Are you getting stronger in this movement? Do you feel more confident or less challenged by the station you have been choosing? Practice makes perfect!

E.M.O.T.M for 10 minutes
Box Jump overs 24/20″ – 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
KB swings 70/55lbs – Max reps
*Score is total number of swings completed in 10 – 1 minute rounds
**Compare score to 4.8.13

Wod explained: Starting with 10 box jump overs in the first round, once you have completed all 10 immediately move on to the KB swings. Complete as many KB swings as possible in remaining time left in the first minute. On round 2 or minute 2, perform 9 box jump overs, then complete as many KB swings in time remaining, on round 3 or minute 3, complete 8 box jump overs… this cycle continues until you have reached round 10 and have to complete only 1 box jump over before spending the remaining last minute with the KB.


Please welcome our newest CFD athlete and Colleen and Evan's newest member to the family... Riley!  We miss you guys, come back soon!

Please welcome our newest CFD athlete and Colleen and Evan’s newest member to the family… Riley! We miss you guys, come back soon!